healthyish granola wide display


healthyish granola

Jocelyn photo
1 custom cook


About this Custom Cook

Follow the instructions below for my favorite granola!
1. In a mixing bowl, combine and stir rolled oats (2 cuts), nuts (I used walnuts, pecans and almonds -- 3/4 cup), salt (1/2 tsp) and cinnamon (1/4 tsp)
2. Pour in olive oil (1/4 cup), maple syrup (1/4 cup), and vanilla (1/2 tsp). Mix and then put on the metal tray, evenly spread.
3. Start Brava custom cook and follow directions
3a. Pre-heat Brava
3b. Bake for 11 minutes.
3c. Stir granola and place back in Brava
3d. Bake 12 min longer
4. Remove from Brava and let cool for 30-45 min- note that the granola will crisp).